The core focus of the Zelig team in the near future is on a series of releases that:
Substantially improve Zelig’s robustness and stability through the development of an extensive test suite
Expand what Zelig can do with simulations, including returning them to users in standardised data frames and possibly converting graphing functions to ggplot2.
Improve Zelig integration with Amelia, MatchIt, and WhatIf packages
Improve Zelig functionality for small samples, namely diagnostics via jackknife variance estimator
Implement Cox Proportional Hazard models
Enhance time series models
Introduce functionality for research on privacy protected data
Increase adoption and build a user community
These are on-going projects related to Zelig, which will be released periodically as part as related Zelig packages, outside Zelig core:
Ecological Inference models: A new Zelig related package
Hierarchical models: A new Zelig related package for multilevel models
GAM: A new Zelig related package
Improved replication utilities for Zelig results
For more details about on-going development projects, checkout the Development Blog.